Association with Crypto Sees Customers Looking For 1Password Alternative

By Richard Anderson

The 1Password password manager is one of the most popular password managers; however, a recent update that added new features to the platform has attracted criticism online, with 1password users taking to Twitter to voice their displeasure about the platform and several have stated their intention to switch to a 1Password alternative.

Updates to software solutions that provide users with new features are usually a good thing, but it is the nature of the features added to the platform that is an issue for some. 1Password has added new features that allow cryptocurrency wallet information to be stored in the platform and for Phantom Wallet to be directly linked to the platform via an API.

1Password partnered with Phantom to make it easier to manage cryptocurrencies, tokens, and NFTs on the Solana blockchain. The move makes sense, as it is likely many users of the password manager are already using it to store private keys and the seed phrases used to protect cryptocurrency wallets, so adding dedicated fields to the platform to store that information is reasonable.

The problem is that some users feel that cryptocurrencies are associated with cyberattacks and fraud and that associating with cryptocurrencies is a bad move for the company, with several feeling they don’t want to be associated with a company that supports cryptocurrencies.

While the new feature will no doubt be welcomed by some users, it is generally considered a bad idea to store seed phrases for cryptocurrency wallets online. While password managers are secure, storing such sensitive information online is not a good idea and it is better to store seed phrases securely in a physical location.

If you are one of the 1Password customers looking to switch password managers, there is no shortage of choice. There are many accomplished 1Password alternatives, and one of the highest-rated alternatives to 1Password is Bitwarden.

Bitwarden is an open source password manager that boasts excellent security. Users benefit from advanced end-to-end encryption using AES-256 bit, salted hashing, and PBKDF2 SHA-256. The source code has undergone an independent review and there is an active community of users and code reviewers, with the company running a bug bounty program with HackerOne.

Bitwarden has been voted the best password manager by The Verge, CNET, and many other platforms due to its ease of use and great features. Bitwarden is also one of the best free password managers available in terms of features, also there is also a free version for small businesses. That said, the low $10-a-year cost for the personal version is a small price to pay and there are very competitively priced business versions.

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Richard Anderson

Richard Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of